Income Under $35,000 (or other currency equivalent)
$130.00 Early Bird Rate (until 20 October 2024)
$160.00 Full Registration (21 October to 25 November 2024)
$200.00 Late registration (26 November to 15 December 2024)
Income $35,000-$70,000 (or other currency equivalent)
$185.00 Early Bird Rate (until 20 October 2024)
$215.00 Full Registration (21 October to 25 November 2024)
$245.00 Late registration (26 November to 15 December 2024)
Income over $70,000 (or other currency equivalent)
$235.00 Early Bird Rate (until 20 October 2024)
$260.00 Full Registration (21 October to 25 November 2024)
$290.00 Late registration (26 November to 15 December 2024)
Non-Presenting Attendee in person (must register by 15 December 2024)
$105.00 (until 15 December)
Registration fees include lunches and coffee breaks.
Non-Presenting Attendee (online, includes plenaries and panels, must register by 10 January)
Sponsor a Scholar
We are a global association. Many of our members come from low- and middle-income countries. The entirety of your donation will go toward supporting more individuals to participate in our congress. You may elect to Sponsor a Scholar on the registration website. Sponsors will be acknowledged publicly (unless you wish to remain anonymous). We offer three categories of donation scaled to income and employment status.
Note: All presenters must also be members of the Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies at the time of the international symposium. To become a member, or renew your membership, please click on the Register Now button below. You can place membership and registration in your shopping cart and pay simultaneously or pay separately.
Travel Grants
The SGNCS may be in a position to offer a limited number of travel grants for its 2025 international symposium in Kuwait.
These grants are open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, independent scholars, and those with temporary or contingent employment, who have a paper accepted for the Congress. Generally, they are
intended to support those whose resources would not allow them to travel to present their paper otherwise. It is unlikely that the grant will support a scholar’s travel entirely, but they are intended to supplement other resources.
In order to be eligible for a SGNCS travel grant, you must be on the program for the symposium, and not be in a tenured or tenure-track position (or other form of permanent employment). The committee will ask for confirmation of status before offering grants to individuals.
To apply, please submit by 20 October 2024, a one-page (250 word) statement with:
-The title of your paper or contribution to the SGNCS symposium in Kuwait
-Your academic affiliation, if any, and your relevant degrees
-An explanation of the projected costs of your travel to Kuwait, broken down into categories such
as airfare, hotel, etc.
-An explanation of any other funds or projected funds which are available to you.
-An explanation of how travel to the SGNCS international symposium in Kuwait fits into your larger career or project plans.
Please submit as an email attachment in pdf or Word format to SGNCStravelfund@gmail.com.
Applications that are submitted past the deadline or do not include all the required information will not be considered by the committee.